
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Nokia Focuses On Camera Features, Lumia 925 For T-Mobile U.S: 4.5" AMOLED Screen, Metal Edges, Extra Lens & New Camera Software

Nokia smartphone latest update, With Oggl From Hipstamatic, Vyclone And More, Nokia Focuses On Camera Features (But Still No Instagram In Sight), Nokia is going big on the camera features in its new 925 and 928 Lumia devices, Nokia Confirms The Flagship Lumia 925 For T-Mobile U.S: 4.5" AMOLED Screen, Metal Edges, Extra Lens & New Camera Software

Smartphone Q1 sales report by Gartner, Nearly 75% Of All Smartphones Sold In Q1 Were Android, With Samsung At 30%; Mobile Sales Overall Nearly Flat, Gartner has just released its Q1 figures for mobile handset sales, and the key takeaway is that Android continues to steal the show

Latest report from BlackBerry live 2013, BlackBerry Announces The Q5, A BB10-Powered Qwerty Smartphone Aimed At Emerging Markets, BlackBerry has just announced the BlackBerry Q5 smartphone, the latest BB10 handset to come out of the Waterloo-based firm. Like the Q10, the Q5 has a QWERTY too

Meanwhile, Square Debuts Its Latest Hardware, Stand, A $299 Card Swiper For iPad Registers, At an event in San Francisco at Blue Bottle Coffee, Square debuted a stand built specifically for the iPad, which turns the device into a card-swiping register

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